Spend Valentine’s Day at the Lodge in Baldwin

How well do you know your sweetie? 

Find out at a fun Valentine’s Day event at the Lodge in Baldwin City!

Peach, founder of the Sandbar and owner of the Lodge, and our friend Marcia, who owns Rejuvene Spa across the street from us, are hosting an interactive game show, dinner and dance on February 14.

Doors open at 6 p.m. and dinner will be served at 7:30 p.m.

All-you-can-eat menu includes:
Choice of Caesar or house salad
Creamy fettuccini alfredo with chicken
Thin sliced savory brisket
Steamed fresh vegetables
Fresh-baked sweet bread
Beverage of choice- includes one beverage from the bar
Chocolate fountain with fruit

If weather permits, Peach will also offer free horse-drawn carriage tours of downtown Baldwin City.

Dance to your favorite Sandbar songs, and participate in an interactive game show!

And, there will also be giveaways throughout the night of massages, movie tickets and weekend getaways.

The cost is just $50 per couple. And, if you want to spend then night, you can stay in a cozy room at the Lodge for another $50—the whole package for just $100!

Got kids? No problem. Peach can arrange for babysitters to keep the kids entertained in one of the motel rooms while you dine, dance and drink. Contact The Lodge for more information or reservations at 785-594-3900.

Reservations are required for this special event, and space is limited!

Spend New Year’s Eve with us!

Another New Year’s Eve is upon us! The years sure do fly by fast around here.

Here are the details for this year’s party—we’ll have a $10 cover charge at the door, which includes:

  • Special Sandbar New Year’s Eve pint glass—yours to keep!
  • Party favors and champagne toast at midnight
  • Assorted snacks

It’s Tropical Thursday, but our regular special will be adjusted a little bit because of the holiday. All tropical drinks will be $4 all night with your pint glass.

As usual, we can’t take reservations of any kind—we tried that one year and it just didn’t work out well for us. It’s first come, first serve all night.

We recommend that you get here as early as possible, because the bar will fill up, and once people are here they tend to stick around. There’s not a lot of coming and going on New Year’s Eve, so if you’re stuck in line, you’ll likely be there for awhile. Especially if it’s close to midnight.

However, you are welcome to bring in your own food or order food once you’re here! Lots of people come in early on New Year’s Eve with their dinner and hang out all night.

Dave will be behind the bar at 9 p.m. and he looks forward to seeing you!

Don’t forget: Tipsy Taxi is running again this year! Don’t drink and drive. Call 841-4138 anytime between 11 p.m.-3 a.m. for a free ride home.

How Popular Are Shark Attacks?

The Shark Attack has been our most popular tropical drink since we first started serving them back in 2003. They've always come with a small blue or gray toy shark full of cherry juice, and either the customer or the bartender tips it into the drink to make a "shark attack."

For the past year or so, our toy shark supplier has had trouble keeping the sharks in stock. We try to always keep a backup box of sharks stored upstairs, but sometimes you people just drink so many Shark Attacks, we can't keep up!

Last week, the supplier was out of sharks and we were worried about getting through Homecoming weekend.

So, how popular are those drinks? Dave estimates he sold a couple hundred Shark Attacks this weekend. And we ended Saturday night with exactly two sharks left in the building.

Fortunately, more are on the way, so you Shark Attack addicts can keep enjoying them.

Talk Like a Pirate Day Tomorrow!

Aye, matey! Tomorrow is September 19. That means…it's Talk Like a Pirate Day!

This is an international holiday of fun started by a group of friends, and when Dave Barry mentioned it in his newspaper column once upon a time, the rest of the world got involved.

This year, there's a Google map filled with pirate parties around the world. Check it out here. We're not on the map because we aren't having an official party (and we didn't find out about the map until it was too late to be added anyway), but we're sharing it just in case you want to party with a bunch of pirates.

The head pirates are also collecting pictures from pirate parties for their Flickr gallery.

Dave ordered new pirate toys just for tomorrow. We'll have pirate eye patches to hand out with tropical drinks, so stop by and pretend you're a pirate for awhile.

One thing we noticed on the Talk Like a Pirate Day website that intrigued us…a mention of PirateSanta.com. We're very curious about what this might be. There's not much information on it yet.

A Dedicated Shark Attack Fan Celebrates Shark Week

Last week during Shark Week, we noticed several tweets on our Twitter page from a customer named Sarah. She was very enthusiastic about Shark Week and spent a lot of time at the Sandbar, and she also posted some great pictures, so we asked her to write a guest blog.

20110811_sarahmurphy_0002 My name is Sarah and I am a 2011 KU graduate from Atchison, KS. I absolutely love the Sandbar and have been visiting quite frequently since my 21st birthday. My first drink from the Sandbar was a Shark Attack. After my first shark, I fell in love with them! 

I decided to make it my goal to get 100 sharks from the Sandbar before I graduated. 100 sharks in 2 years? I could do it. After about 15 sharks, I realized that I needed to do something with my sharks. I now hang them on the wall next to my bed- my favorite decoration in my room. In this picture, I have about 40-some sharks. Every time I had a friend come visit from out of town, I always made them visit the Sandbar and buy them a Shark Attack.  

20110811_sarahmurphy_0005 (now that's a dedicated Shark Attack fan!)

Soon after my 21st birthday, Shark Week on the Discovery Channel was getting ready to start and I knew I had to do something for it. Although I was busy with summer school, I managed to make it to Sandbar for a night to celebrate Shark Week. 

This year I decided to take it to the next level- T-shirts! My roommates and I made shirts and gave ourselves nicknames. I chose the name of my favorite shark, Bruce, from Finding Nemo. My roomates and I went almost every night of Shark Week to get Shark Attacks and to watch Shark Week (we don't have cable.) This year I added about 10 sharks to my collection. I'll have to put my Shark Week shirt away until next year, but hopefully we can do something more for next year.

20110805_sarahmurphy_0001 20110805_sarahmurphy_0002

The Sandbar has always been my favorite bar and feels like home. I've spent my last two birthday there and plan on spending many more at Sandbar. I love the Sandbar and I love the Shark Attacks! I may not have met my goal, but I will continue to collect my sharks.

Thanks for contributing to our blog, Sarah! For her effort, we gave her a gift: a Sandbar Shark Fest 2011 T-shirt. Appropriate, no?

Where does your Sandbar shark live?

More Shark Week fun!

We asked our most dedicated fans (that means those of you who signed up for our email list) to send us pictures of their Sandbar sharks. We love seeing all the creative places our friends keep their toys!

Here's a couple of the pictures we've received:

Sharktoilet Sharkclips

Former bartender John is now married and living in Houston, and he also happens to still have a Sandbar shark in his possession. He snapped a picture of his shark perched on the edge of their guest bathroom toilet. What a surprise for their overnight guests!

Sandbar fan and 2011 KU graduate Kristina found a unique and practical use for her Sandbar shark: keeper of the paper clips on the desk at her office.

You can send us your pictures- email them to us (sandbar@thesandbar.com), tweet them to us (@thesandbar) or upload them to our Facebook page.