Andrew, Tyler and Jordan: Sandbar Graduates

Last week we profiled several regular Sandbar customers who also happened to be members of the graduating class of 2013.

You may or may not know that three of our own bartenders also graduated last weekend: Andrew, Tyler and Jordan.

We can't ever get staff to answer our questions, so we didn't even try this time. Hope you're not expecting a profile of any kind.

Andrew and Tyler both graduated with their MBA's from the KU School of Business. They've both spent the last two years working on their degrees, while also tending bar, working for KU Athletics, getting engaged (Andrew) and getting married (Tyler).

Here's a pic of them together just before they walked down the Hill last Sunday:


And Jordan graduated with her undergraduate degree in business. She's off to St. Louis for a new adventure– one that will include a familiar face to some of you. The Sandbar crew is like a big happy family, and Dave and Blair were happy to hook Jordan up with Will, who lives in St. Louis and manages a bar. So at least she'll know someone in the big city!

Here's a picture of Jordan from graduation (stolen from her Facebook page, hope that's okay!):


Congratulations, graduates!

(And don't worry. Andrew and Tyler aren't going anywhere; you'll still see them behind the bar, although maybe not as much.)

Sandbar Shirt in the… trash?

Remember John the bartender, of Jake-and-John Australian adventures fame?

He's long gone from the Sandbar, having moved away to Houston with his college sweetheart Natalie, who he married almost two years ago.

Recently, Natalie shared this with us:

I must confess, I was packing our closet up as we get ready to move and made a pile of John's clothes that *might* be ready to go to t-shirt heaven. His frayed and paint-splashed Sandbar tee ("I was PAINTING the sandbar!") might've been in the mix… because seriously, in its current state, it's probably not street legal. When he saw it in the purgatory pile, you would've thought he was ready to divorce me. HAVE YOU LOST YOUR MIND?!?!? GET THAT OUT OF THERE! …. Whoops. Guess I won't be making wardrobe suggestions anymore!

Sandbar shirts are important wardrobe pieces! And often, they are sentimental souvenirs of a previous life.

I was amused with the picture of the shirt Natalie sent, mostly because the shirt isn't in nearly as bad of shape as I expected.

Photo 1
See those little paint spots on the front? Heck, Dave wears shirts worse than this to work sometimes!

However…we can certainly appreciate the idea that someone has too many T-shirts for their closet. Coming soon, a little contest called "how many Sandbar shirts does Dave have." Kind of like guessing how many jelly beans are in the jar.

Bike and Beer Wednesday

Like bikes? Like beer? Of course you do. So do the folks who participate in Bike and Beer Wednesday, a self-described group of "laid-back people who love bicycles and beer."

This past Wednesday, the group kicked off their weekly event at the Sandbar.


(photo borrowed from the Bike and Beer Wednesday Facebook page)

One commenter noted that there are no bikes in the above picture; so it may have just been Beer Wednesday.

A number of Sandbar friends participate in this group. Former bartender Carrie; man on the street and former bartender Pat and his fiancee' Andrea; art director and sometime-bartender Justin and his lovely wife Michelle; Randy, Thom, Lisa and many others.

The group rides different routes around Lawrence, and sometimes it's a BYOB event while other times they end up at a local watering hole. Or start there.


Picture from the BBW Facebook page.

We love the creative alliteration they added to our Jimmy Buffett collage.

BBW'ers, come back soon! And next time, harass Dave into going with you.

Vote for Peach’s niece Katlyn!

Hey Sandbar friends!

Our fearless founder Peach's niece has been nominated for some awards, and you can help her win!

Katlyn Conroy (if you're a regular, you probably also know her dad Patrick- he hangs out here a lot!) has been nominated for Best Female Singer/Songwriter in the Pitch annual music awards. Her band, Cowboy Indian Bear, has also been nominated in the rock category.

Katlyn has worked really hard this year touring, writing and recording. Let's help her add another accomplishment to the list! You may remember that Katlyn has played at our block party before (and we hope she'll do so again).

Click here to vote. Fair warning: there's a quick registration required, but it's really easy and doesn't take very much time at all. It's really easy to vote, too.

Thanks, friends! We appreciate your help in supporting part of our Sandbar family!

Meet Jesse, New Year’s Pint Glass Designer

Have you picked up your 2012 commemorative new year's pint glass yet? They're only $3, and they're super cute!

This pint glass was designed by Sandbar friend Jesse. Here are some of the things Jesse had to say about the Sandbar:

What's your favorite tropical drink? Shark Attack

What's your favorite jukebox song? Jessie's Girl (of course!)

Longest you've waited in line at the bar? Never

Funniest or favorite memory at the bar? On my 21st birthday, an old man licked the long blue plastic nose that came with my friend Deede's drink. Things got really awkward really fast.

Here's a few pictures Jesse sent us:


Thanks for the great pint glass design, Jesse! If you're interested in designing a pint glass for us, pay attention to our blog. We'll announce the next design we're looking for soon.


Friday was 11.11.11. Dave and friends thought this was funny and a reason to have eleven drinks. No, they weren't going to do eleven shots at 11 p.m. or anything crazy like that, but they decided to finish off eleven drinks by 11:11 p.m.

They started early. Like 5 p.m. early. And at least a couple of those "drinks" were Dirty Banana shots which may or may not really count.

The last drink of the night, though, made up for it. They finished off with a "Bear Fight," which apparently is a car bomb followed by a Jager bomb. Not one of Dave's new favorites, by the way.

Last night, the Bear Fights made a reappearance. Bartender Tegan was wise (or at least wiser than the guys) and made hers a Cub Fight instead.

Cub fight

That's bartender Tyler sneaking his way into the picture.