Purses Full of Sharks

Dave had an interesting story when he came home from his late-night shift on Friday night.

A group of girls came up to the bar and informed him that between them, they had so many sharks from the Shark Attack drink that they felt bad. They thought they needed to return the sharks to us.

Next thing he knew, all four girls started pulling sharks out of their purses and piling them on the bar. He said the sharks just kept coming and coming out of their purses. There were a few ducks mixed in the pile, too.


He took a picture of the girls with their sharks, and we'll print it out and hang it somewhere on the wall.

Thanks Alicia, Shannon, Liz and Lindsay. We'll find a good home for your recycled sharks!

How many drink toys do you have, and where do they live? We'd love to see your pictures! Submit them to sandbar@thesandbar.com.

Gifts from Customer Katy

We got a surprise in the mail recently: fun gifts from Katy, a Sandbar regular who has since moved away from Lawrence. Katy was profiled on our blog last year as a 2010 graduate, and we compiled all her favorite memories of the Sandbar into one post.

A small package arrived the other day with this:


A nice note from Katy accompanied the sticker and duckie:

Dear Dave & the Sandbar crew:

I found this sticker on my vacation and couldn't resist sending it to ya'll. I also won this basketball duckie just for you, dave, since I have so many Sandbar ducks I thought this basketball one was appropriate for you. Miss you all and hope to visit soon!

Thanks for thinking of us, Katy! We'll be sure to put the sticker and duckie in a place of honor at the Sandbar, and we hope you can make it back for a visit soon!

Riling up the Sandbar Ghost

Clearly Sandbar ghost stories are a hit with our small but loyal audience. Our recent post about Dave's first sighting of the ghost got quite a bit of traffic.

According to Dave, the ghost had been quiet for a long time. Until recently, because of a good friend and regular who shall remain nameless because he is terrified of the ghost and he might lose credibility in his day job if we named him.

This friend decided to start looking into old city records to find out what businesses have been in our building in the past and see if there was a connection. Around that time, the ghost started acting up- and that's when Dave saw him.

The ghost also made an appearance the night of the infamous toilet-trashing episode. While the guys were cleaning the bar up after closing time, they heard the distinctive sound of a chiming doorbell coming from the bathroom. There is nothing in the bar that would make the sound of a doorbell.

Of course the recent ghost activity freaked our friend out, and he's decided to stop snooping in city records. (He also may never use the restroom in the bar again.) And the ghost has been quiet ever since.

Blast from the Past at the Sandbar

One night, Dave got a call from the bartender on duty.

"Casey and Randy are here and asking about you."

Dave went down to the bar right away. Now here's a strange story for you that shows just how small the world can be:

Casey worked at the Sandbar years ago. She used to work the Monday shift with Rachel, and Dave and his buddies went in to see them every week. (Apparently the girls wore bikinis while they tended bar.) This was before Dave even worked at the bar! Casey and Peach were good friends, too. Eventually, she moved on and lost touch with the Sandbar crew.

Randy played basketball at Hutchinson Community College with Dave. They were good friends, but like lots of people in the pre-Facebook age, they lost touch also. (What did we do before Facebook?!)

Somewhere along the way, Casey and Randy met and fell in love and got married. Now, they live in the Kansas City area and own the 5 Guys restaurants up there.

Pretty crazy that two people Dave knew nearly twenty years ago, from different places and times, have ended up together!

Sandbar 2011 Graduation Pint Glasses

Hey, class of 2011! Our annual commemorative graduation pint glasses are in!

Picture 1 This year's design features the Sandbar tiki head as a graduate, complete with a cap, gown and diploma.

Unlike most of you, however, our graduate gets to stand on a beach, surrounded by palm trees.

Long-time customer and friend Becki came up with the idea for this design, and Dave put the finishing touches on it.

The other side of the glass has the Sandbar logo.

We ordered a double batch of these; half are blue, and half are red.

Our pint glasses are $3 each, so stop by and pick one up for yourself or your favorite graduate before they're gone!

Captain Jack Sparrow at the Sandbar

We had a special guest at the bar last night!

Captain Jack Sparrow was back for an encore performance. We haven't seen him since our birthday block party last summer, where he's been a special guest for the past two years.

The latest Pirates movie, Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides, opens on May 20 and Jack will be back for more adventures. We wanted to get our friend prepared, so we invited him out for a night at the bar.

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He sashayed around the patio- the weather was beautiful!- and accosted cars in the street. He almost caused a traffic jam at the intersection at one point, when some excited young ladies wanted his picture.

Sandbar friend Laura was having dinner at Pachamama's across the street, and left a comment on our Facebook page about watching Jack sashay around the street.

He's always great fun!