All I Want For Christmas…

Is more funny videos of Dave dancing around the bar dressed as Elvis Santa.

There was much dancing at Sunday's staff Christmas party. Fortunately a lot of it was caught on video. Unfortunately, some of the video was either too dark to be able to see or the subjects of the video really don't want their antics on the internet. Dave, however, doesn't care- so enjoy:

I particularly love the moment when Tyler dances his way into the video as if on cue.

Some of the other hilarious dance moments of the night:

  • Andrew, Tyler, Fyler and Dave singing and dancing behind the bar
  • Andrew and Dave doing their best Soulja Boy imitation on the bench
  • Fyler, Tyler and Andrew dancing to "Jump On It" behind the bar
  • Ken's rendition of "Old El Paso" that only comes out late, late at night

Of course, the ladies dance too. But somehow the boys dancing is funnier.

SantaCon: A Band of Santas in Downtown Lawrence!

SantaCon Lawrence was yesterday in downtown Lawrence, and it was fun!

The Sandbar was excited to be one of the six participating bars for this event. The Santa party started off here at 1:30 p.m. with around 30 Santas, elves and Mrs. Claus characters. Many of the participants were Sandbar staff and friends, but one couple even drove in from Kansas City to participate in the fun.

A reporter and photographer from the Lawrence Journal-World stopped by, and they interviewed some of the Santas and took lots of pictures. In fact, they stayed with us for over an hour and even traveled to the second bar- Louise's Downtown- with us! Read the article here, and there are a couple of pictures and even a video featuring dancing Santas.

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After about an hour at the Sandbar, the Santa parade went to Louise's, followed by the Replay Lounge- where Santa and Mrs. Claus danced on stage!- the Bottleneck, Red Lyon and finally ending up at the Barrel House. Santa made a few detours along the way, wandering through Sunflower Bike Shop (at their request), the Bourgeouis Pig and Free State. The group dwindled along the way, but the die-hard crew of 5-6 Santas ended up back at the Sandbar around 8:30 p.m.

All of the bars were very accommodating to the group of Santas, and the people on Mass Street really seemed to love it! Several Santas actually had bags full of trinkets and toys, and they handed them out to kids on the street. They also popped into some of the downtown businesses to spread a few "ho ho ho's."

SantaCon wasn't all just for fun, though- in the spirit of the season, Santas were encouraged to bring non-perishable food items to donate to Just Food, a local food pantry here in town. We filled one giant box at the Sandbar, and there were a few more bags of food that didn't fit in the box. Way to go Santas!

You know how much we love costumes at the Sandbar, so we are definitely looking forward to doing this again next year! Our upcoming staff holiday party will also be a Santa costume party, and we've heard that some cities have started having "BunnyCon" and "PirateCon" events to tide them over until Christmas every year…

Check out our pictures on Flickr or Facebook here. If you were at SantaCon, we'd love to see your pictures! Email them to us at, upload them to our Facebook page or tag them on Flickr!

12 Days of Sandbar Christmas Gifts, 2010 Version

Last year we started a new tradition here on the Sandbar blog: helping you find fun, Sandbar- and beach-themed gifts for the holidays.

Here's our second annual version of "12 Days of Sandbar Christmas Gifts." We hope you like our suggestions!

Day 1: Shark Attack Bath Toy

Everyone loves our tropical drink toys, and we often hear about how you take them home to your kids for bathtub toys. Or play with them yourself. Well, here's an actual bath toy- but it might be a little scary for the kids.

Day 2: Instant Beach Ball

Bored or stuck in an awkward situation? Make it fun (or even more awkward) with this instant beach ball. It comes deflated in a decorated 3-inch can, but judging from the size of purses these days, it shouldn't be a problem for most of you to carry around.

Day 3: Snuggie Beach Towel with Sleeves

You knew it was coming- a beach version of the Snuggie. Take this to the pool or the beach and cover up while leaving your arms free to hold a book or a drink. We only wish it were more tropical-looking, with palm trees or flip flops on it.

Day 4: Puffer Fish Ornament

Everyone loves Homer the puffer fish. Now you can hang an ode to him on your Christmas tree- though this puffer fish looks more like a she, with her rhinestone bling for eyes and hot pink color.

Day 5: Funny Flamingo Slippers

Your kids love our inflatable pink flamingo koozies- now they can have their own funny, fluffy flamingo slippers. And this is a flamingo you can't claim as your own, because they only come in kid sizes. A great way to share some tropical love with the kids.

Day 6: Beach Ball Desk Game

Here's a snow-globe like desk game with a tropical flair. When you need a break from work, shake the globe to try to get the beach ball into the hammock.

Day 7: Palm Tree Shaped Electric Fan

Because everyone needs a metal sculpture of a palm tree with a working fan inside it. It's a beautiful and innovative piece of home decor, after all!

Day 8: Muscle Beach or Bikini One-Piece Bodysuit

These pieces of apparel rightfully come from a place called "What on Earth." Just in case you NEEDED a one-piece romper that snaps and also turns your fleshy body into a toned six-pack.

Day 9: December Diamonds Mario Merman Ornament

Everyone knows we love mermaids, and there's plenty of mermaid paraphernalia on the internet. But how about mermen? Not as much. We particularly love this ornament, especially because the guys seem to like dressing up as a mermaid at least as much as the gals do.

Day 10: Surfboard Picture Frame

This surfboard picture frame reminds us of our popular shotski, with its multiple photo openings lining the surfboard. Hang it on your wall and remember all the fun times. Even better, put pictures of people doing the shotski in it.

Day 11: Flamingo Key Chain

Here's an inexpensive stocking stuffer for the pink flamingo lovers- a pink flamingo keychain made from glass beads. Too expensive to give you with our tropical drink, though.

Day 12: Aloha Gorilla Costume

For our final offering, we present the Aloha Gorilla costume. Instead of Santa, why not dress up as a giant grass skirt and coconut bra-wearing gorilla, complete with a lei? The only thing stranger would be the Holiday Armadillo.

We hope you've enjoyed checking out our 12 Days of Sandbar Gifts as much as we enjoyed scouring the internet for them. Happy gift-giving!

What’s The Best Gift You Gave This Year?

Lots of people talk about the gifts they got for Christmas (or whichever holiday they celebrate this time of year), but you don't hear very many people talking about the gifts they gave to someone else.

I posed the question on The Sandbar's Twitter page last week:

What's the best gift you are giving someone this year?

I got lots of responses from people and they were fun to read! Here are some of them:

  • The Big Buck Hunter game for a boyfriend
  • Homemade banana bread that is now requested every year (can we get some of that?!)
  • A new guitar for a brother
  • Batman Arkham Asylum for a boyfriend
  • A drum set for a 4 year old nephew (uncle is now banished from the family!)
  • The book "For Jayhawk Fans Only" for parents
  • Basketball tickets
  • Sweet shoes
  • My time and patience (might be the hardest of all for some of us!)
  • A Nebraska Cornhuskers snuggie for a stepmom

What about you? Add your favorite gift in the comment section. It doesn't have to be expensive or creative or particularly spectacular…just the one thing you gave someone that was perfect.

You Better Not Pout…

And you better not cry, because this is what happens when you do.

A few days ago, I posted the first of our annual "Elf Yourself" creations using Sandbar staff members. I explained that the video only allows up to five elves, and given that we have about 14 employees, they wouldn't all fit into one or even two videos. Even though all of the staff wasn't represented at the time, it didn't mean they wouldn't be included in the future.

Danny was heartbroken that he didn't make the cut, so I made a special Elf Yourself video just for him. I hope he appreciates it.


Send your own ElfYourself eCards