Last week, Dave got a phone call.

"Where are the mermaid costumes?" asked the bartender on duty. There weren't any hanging up.

"Didn't they run one last night (Sunday)?" Dave asked. "I'll find out, they must have disappeared on Saturday night."

After calling the Saturday night staff, Dave determined that for the first time ever, we were completely without a mermaid costume. Through the past eight years, we've been through quite a few costumes, as they fall apart or disappear every so often. But never have we been without at least one.

Later that week, Andrew ran into a girl on campus who had been the Saturday night mermaid. He confronted her.

"Did you steal the mermaid costume?!" he demanded.

"No! We wore them around all night but we left them on the popcorn machine before we left." she said.

Of course. An easy spot for someone else to grab the apparently-coveted item on their way out the door.

Fortunately, our mermaid-costume maker, Coleen's mom Sylvia, was able to whip one up rather quickly as a replacement. It's a little bit shorter than normal- on tall girls it's more like a mermaid mini- but that's a good thing. Part of the reason the costumes get so worn out is because they're long and get stepped on all the time.

Coming soon: a funny story about the lengths some of us will go to in order to find stolen mermaid costumes.