Several Sandbar employees and friends have made the news recently!
First up, our friend Brendon. Brendon was featured in a recent Lawrence Journal-World photo celebrating his latest college degree. His lovely wife and daughter are also pictured.
Brendon has been a regular customer for many years now and also a personal friend to many of us. Congratulations Brendon!
Next, long time Friday bartender Heather. Heather is an avid reader, and she was caught by the LJW's roving reporter who asked "what are you reading?" Her picture and response appeared in last Sunday's paper.
If you haven't congratulated Heather on her engagement and upcoming marriage, be sure to do so!
Last but not least, our other long time Friday bartender Phil. Phil and his brother (identical twin?) were featured on the Lawrence Chamber of Commerce Facebook page recently.
It's uncanny how much they resemble each other. It's almost like someone just photoshopped two pictures of Phil together.
I think those are all the semi-famous folks we have in the news lately. If I missed anyone, leave a comment and a link.
is Phil’s twin the other owner of the Sandbar?