Last weekend I noticed yet another new addition to our "Sandbar Shirts Around the World" wall. This one is really cool- we admired the creative technique he used to make the blue Sandbar shirt stand out against the background!
I'm not really sure where this was taken, there wasn't a note or anything, and I sadly don't recognize the buildings. Somewhere in Europe, I assume, but correct me if you know better.
That would be London. Houses of Parliament and Big Ben. The most amazing city on the planet (no bias on my part obviously).
Clearly I am not a world traveler… it all looked familiar but I didn’t study it too much. Was more fascinated with the bright blue shirt!
Didn’t you see National Lampoon’s European vacation?
“Hey kids! There’s Big Ben…..there’s Parliament!”
-repeat 20 times because they’re stuck in a roundabout and can’t figure out how to exit.