Carpenter Dave built some fancy new benches for the back room.  Of course they're Dave-size, meaning anyone under six feet tall who sits on them won't be able to touch the ground.

Here's a picture:

20090207_new bench

They aren't finished; he's going to cover the fronts with cabinet doors to create storage inside. Everything Dave builds serves multiple purposes. He also wants to add a little step so you short folks out there don't have to dangle your legs. There's already a board that serves as a footrest, but he'll make it a little wider and sturdier. 

Dave didn't intend this when he built them, but it's a welcome addition: if people are sitting on the benches back there, he can see them from behind the bar and keep an eye on things. Before, with the lower benches, he couldn't always tell if someone was even in the back room.

If you haven't been to The Sandbar in awhile, you might want to stop by soon. You may not recognize the place for all the things Dave has created.