In case you've been out of touch with popular culture, today is International Talk Like A Pirate Day.
You can read all about how this glorious holiday began on the official website.
We don't have any cute bendy pirate men to decorate your drinks like we did last year, but that doesn't mean you can't celebrate at The Sandbar. We still have lots of other trinkets and toys to entertain our patrons.
So if you don't have any other plans tonight, come on down to The Sandbar tonight and bring your best "ARRRR" along with you. And if you dress like a pirate, you don't have to pay the cover charge tonight!
Arrr! I wish I be thar drinkin’ grog will all th’ fine beauties at th’ Sandbar this evenin’. Alas, me ship be currently docked at th’ Santa Monica peer an’ I won`t set sail aft t’ Lawrence until Sundee.
May yer belly be full, yer drink cold, an’ yer lady warm!
Arrr, shiver me timbers (because apparently my timbers are in need of some shivering)!
what does that even mean?
I thnk brother pants was drunk at 8pm again!