A long time ago, back in the beginning of this blog, I also set up a Sandbar MySpace page. Actually, I had to send a cease and desist message to another member of MySpace, because in the process of setting up the profile and searching for employees to befriend, I discovered that someone else had already set up a profile for The Sandbar. It was even using our trademarked logo, without permission of course. Once I mentioned that particular infraction, the guy was all too happy to change the name of his profile.
The MySpace page has quite a few friends now, some from Lawrence and some from Ottawa, and it's been yet another tool to use to send out notices of events and other happenings.
It took quite awhile longer to jump on the Facebook bandwagon, mainly because for some reason I find it strangely more confusing to use. But since 99% of the rest of the world seems to have a Facebook profile, then so should The Sandbar.
After setting up the page, I didn't do much with it for a long time. And frankly, I still don't really understand a lot of things, like what's the difference between fans and friends? But recently I decided to try to take advantage of yet another social networking opportunity, so I've been trying to find Sandbar friends online.
I've also figured out a way to automatically send all of these blog posts to the Sandbar Facebook profile, which is pretty cool. Since I've been doing that, I've noticed quite a bit of traffic linking here from Facebook.
If you have your own Facebook profile, you can be our friend online.
I combined the two and currently have a MyFace account.