Bartender Danny is a participant in next week's MS 150 bike ride, an annual event that raises money for the National Multiple Sclerosis Society. He rode in it last year for the first time, and on his personal page he talks about how his perspective on and motivation for the event has evolved. 

And being Danny, he has added his own flair to this year's event.

His fundraising goal is $1000 and he has a week left to reach it. If he reaches his goal, he has promised to shave his head completely bald AND send a picture to everyone who donated to the cause! Now if that isn't incentive enough to donate, I don't know what is.

Chances are, you know someone who is somehow impacted by this disease. You might not think five dollars can make a difference, but if everyone who thought that donated just that much, it would quickly add up to a lot of money.

So, try to give up just a couple drinks this week and donate to a good cause. Go here to make your donation.