Several years ago, we started receiving these little wooden plaque type things left at the door. They are all painted and sealed, and have funny little handwritten quotes on them. Apparently some guy in Lawrence creates them for lots of different businesses and drops them off at random; none of us have ever seen this man so we have no idea who he is. I have, however, seen his creations in other stores around town.

By now we have probably accumulated at least 50 of these trinkets. Many of them have been sent to Ottawa; some of them are on our walls; and still others are lost somewhere in the upstairs room that Dave likes to call an office.

I’d like to share some of these creations with the internet today. After all, they shouldn’t be hidden away for only us to enjoy.

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IMG_1951 There are so many more of these around but these are some of the more recent arrivals.

Where else around Lawrence have you seen these? We could create a treasure hunt to look for them.