I’ve seen a few interesting, bizarre things in the media recently that I thought I’d share.

  1. Some guy in Illinois tried to purchase a sizable quantity of tetrodotoxin and was subsequently arrested after the lab worker taking the order became alarmed and contacted authorities. The relevance of this to us, you ask? Well, this toxin is commonly found in the puffer fish species, and in large doses it can cause paralysis and death. I also learned from this article that puffer fish is a delicacy in the Indian and Pacific oceans. Don’t tell Coleen that, and keep your hands out of the fish tank.
  2. If you love beer, you’ll like this website. Beer Suggest reviews over 4000 beers and 1100 breweries to help you find the perfect beer for any occasion. It’s also a social community you can join to meet other beer lovers, give feedback, and contribute reviews. (Maybe I should try it out, surely out of 4000 beers there would be at least one I liked?)
  3. We thought we were cool when a couple got married on our St. Patrick’s Day float, but check this out: a couple actually got married on a rollercoaster! The groom always loved rollercoasters and knew he’d one day say his vows while riding one; the couple met on an internet dating site and bonded over a love of rollercoasters. At 160 feet above ground, with an Elvis impersonator officiating, they tied the knot. 
  4. This kid got bit by a shark– but he wasn’t anywhere near the ocean. In fact, he was in his own bedroom. He sleepwalked right into the teeth of a dead souvenir shark that hung on his bedroom wall.

That’s all I have for today. Enjoy.