Oh, Joe. The Factor is graduating from KU this year.
I don’t remember any other year that we’ve had three staff members graduate from college. And none of them have any immediate plans to leave The Sandbar either.
Joe has been at the bar for over a year now. He provides constant entertainment for not only the customers, but the other staff. You can read more about Joe here. Or just come down to the bar sometime when he’s working; it’s much better to experience the Joe Factor in person than on the internet.
Again, I had trouble finding pictures of Joe to share with you that didn’t involve some sort of costume or other weirdness. But, I guess the weirdness is normal.
I didn’t realize until very recently that Joe was also graduating, so I didn’t have a chance to collect his thoughts on it. If you’re reading this, Joe, feel free to chime in in the comments.
Joe, congratulations on your graduation. We all hope you find your calling in life; but until you do, we’ll keep you around at the bar.
Good luck to you in everything you do. And good luck to your girlfriend, too.
They broke the Factor mold when they built Joe. The Factor Factory had to shut down. He is the last of his species.
i like that. the factor factory.
hey did you like your new shirt?