I’m so excited to share a "how we met at The Sandbar" story that doesn’t involve me!

Customer and friend Jen heard my pleas for a sweet story and not only did she provide one, but she sent a picture too.  Here’s what she had to say about the fateful meeting between she and Scotty Mack:Meandscotty_2

Well, Scotty Mack and I met in front of the Sandbar jukebox. It was a Wednesday, and I was there with a friend of mine, bemoaning my fate as a single gal. As if on cue (or maybe he was eavesdropping), this guy came up to me and asked me to pick out some songs on the jukebox. I called my best friend from the bathroom telling her a "cute boy" asked for my phone number and she told me to behave myself. Well, I guess I picked out the right songs (Hank, Waylon, and Willie were involved if I remember correctly) because here we are, engaged and happy as clams.

Awwwww. And isn’t that the cutest picture ever? Courtesy of our lovely friend Aña, who has a Sandbar love story of her own that is just begging to be shared with the internet. Come on, don’t be shy.