Our fearless leader, Dave, has a brand new job!
Don’t worry, he’s not leaving The Sandbar. Peach nominated him for an open position on the board of Downtown Lawrence, Inc. He started his three-year term as a board member this month.
DLI is a not-for-profit organization created to promote the interests of the downtown business district. The mission of DLI is "to preserve, protect, and promote Downtown Lawrence as the retail, service and professional, governmental, entertainment, and social center of our community."
Dave will do a wonderful job representing not only The Sandbar but all of the other downtown businesses. (Of course I might be a little biased!) We’re all excited for his new opportunity.
The public announcement of the 2008 DLI board is here.
{I’d like to point out that, contrary to what some anonymous commenter on the LJW site seems to think, this is not a paid position. It’s voluntary.}
LORD JESUS ALMIGHTY! The guy in that photo is a board member? He should be a board member of 7-Foot Crossdressers of America (SFCDA)…. call me.
Congratulations, Dave!