What a crazy weekend.

Typically, Sunday nights are pretty slow.  People are relaxing and getting ready to start a new week of work, or school, or whatever it is they do. It’s not generally a big party night out on the town.  But if there’s a Monday holiday, then wow. Sunday nights suddenly become crazier and busier than one of the other weekend nights.

348242552503Last night was no exception.  At 10 p.m. there were about fifteen people there, hanging out and having some drinks. Dave had wisely planned ahead and staffed two people on the late shift instead of the usual one, and sure enough by 10:30 the place was packed to capacity.  All it takes is one big group to fill up our wee place.

And what a fun crowd. People were singing and dancing and laughing.  Two hurricanes were purchased and no one had to be convinced to dance on the bar or the benches or the floor.  The jukebox provided an unusually good selection of music, too- the patrons last night had good taste. 

The Sandbar made some new friends last night. A couple of folks from Canada were in town, and they had actually heard of the hurricane from some friends who live elsewhere in Kansas.  They came to the bar just to see it.  All the way from Canada! Can you believe word of the hurricane has traveled that far?  And our new friends from Austin, TX- Phil and Kristin- had lots of fun with shots and the shotski. They don’t have anything quite like The Sandbar in Austin.  Probably in all of Texas, for that matter. 

It wasn’t all new people, we saw some old familiar faces too. Buzz was back visiting from Colorado- he was a regular many years ago. And of course the usual assortment of off-the-clock staff and a variety of regulars were hanging around too.  It was one of those nights where you might think you’re going to head home early but before you know it, it’s 2 a.m. and time to go and you had a blast.