Every once in awhile some of our Sandbar friends make the newspaper for one reason or another.  Yesterday’s LJW featured not one, but TWO of our friends.

Former bartender/doorguy Erick was in the People and Places section, I guess you could say it’s the LJW’s version of a society page.  He was in a wedding in California back in January and a photo of the wedding party was featured today.  This wasn’t just your average wedding, however- it was a traditional Buddhist Vietnamese matrimonial tea ceremony, complete with traditional outfits. 

You can see Erick and the rest of the group here.

Another photo in Saturday’s People and Places was of our friend Al.  He was decked out in his yellow leisure suit for the Sertoma Corporate Cookoff back in May.  His group won the judge’s award for best food and I’m betting that his outfit helped swing the vote. 

You can see his picture here.

Thanks to Pat for bringing these items to our attention.  If you happen to see a Sandbar friend in the news, send it our way.