I use Google a lot when I’m online looking for things.  Every once in awhile, I do a search on The Sandbar just to see what might pop up, and I’m always amused.  And sometimes just quite baffled.

Here’s a link for you.  Somehow, The Sandbar wound up on the KC Harley Guy’s top ten list of biker hangouts.  Not really sure why. And it’s not like we’re #1- we’re at the bottom of the list. But still- never really thought of The Sandbar as much of a biker bar.

And here’s another funny one I found at the Tiki Room- it’s a review of our second location in Ottawa on a website for all things tiki.  I can’t really figure out if they’re being complimentary or sarcastic or what.  This is one of those sites where they allow comments, and those are hilarious.

And lastly, for now anyway, one of my favorites.  This link takes you to an online chat hosted by our local newspaper, the Lawrence Journal-World.  The LJW invited a bartender from Johnny’s Tavern- our buddy Kiwi- to talk about New Year’s Eve party drinks, and our very own Matt got some questions posted.  Along with some jokes.