Dave celebrated Father’s Day with a special treat: a screening of “Finding Dory,” Disney-Pixar’s sequel to the super-popular movie “Finding Nemo.”
(Did it really take 13 years for them to make a sequel to that movie?!)
If you’ve ever set foot in the Sandbar, you know we love fish. And we love fish movies. “Finding Dory” was a fun movie, and we highly recommend it.
Here’s the best part: you can get free tickets to see it at the world’s oldest operating cinema in Ottawa!
Spend $20 at the Sandbar Sub Shop in downtown Lawrence this from now through June 25, and you’ll get two movie and museum passes. FOR FREE. It’s just a short drive south to Ottawa, and you’ll be supporting a wonderful family-owned business.
Also, subs are half-price after 5 p.m. this summer, so bring the whole family or a bunch of friends in for dinner!