If you’ve been reading this blog for very long, or you’re very familiar with the Sandbar at all, you’ve probably heard the story by now:

Rob Riggle, famous comedian, actor, Marine and KU alumnus, tended bar here while he was going to school in the early 90’s.

We didn’t even know it until he told us– it was before Dave’s time here. You can read the story about how we found out here. (It’s worth the click. There’s a funny anecdote that you’ll probably never read anywhere else.)

Radio love

Rob Riggle's mark on the wall at the Sandbar | www.thesandbar.comAnyway, we were excited to hear Rob give us a great shoutout recently during an interview on 810 Sports radio show last week.

You can listen to the interview here. He mentions the Sandbar (and the Wheel) at around the 12:37 mark.

A recent visit

Rob was also back in town a few weeks ago for a KU basketball game, and after spending some time at the Wheel, he ventured our way.

He spent most of his evening behind the bar, but he took the time to leave his mark on the wall of the men’s room:


After signing the wall, he admitted to Dave that perhaps his message would have been better left in the ladies’ room instead. Probably.

While typically we paint over stuff people write on our walls (so please don’t do it!), we’re going to leave this one up. In fact, Dave’s already put a frame around it.