We can't believe it's already April, and that means Commencement isn't far behind. Which might be music to the ears of those of you graduating! Or maybe not, if you're not quite ready to leave college.
Anyway, it's time for a new pint glass design to commemorate the occasion!
Graduation pint glasses are a huge thing for us every year. They make great gifts, and they're the perfect inexpensive souvenir for students leaving Lawrence.
And this year, we've got another option for you: we have boxes to pack them in, so we'll be selling four-packs. More info on those to come later.
For now, though, we need a design. And that's where you come in!
If you've got a great idea for a graduation glass, we'd love to see it. A few rules:
- No licensed marks, like a Jayhawk
- Must be a single-color design
- Simple line art without complicated shading
Otherwise, we're pretty open to ideas! Draw it up, use clip art, whatever you need to do, and email it to us at sandbar@thesandbar.com. If your design is chosen, we'll give you a pack of glasses and a T-shirt, and you'll get the satisfaction of knowing hundreds of 2013 graduates are drinking out of your glass.
Also, we'll feature you on our blog so you can get another five minutes of fame.
We also realized that we never featured the designer of this year's Valentine's Day glass, so look for her profile coming soon!
Check out the 2011 graduation glass here, and last year we went back to a simple design here.