Last night's inaugural Girls' Night Downtown shopping extravaganza and fundraiser was a big success!

Girls' Night Downtown featured discounts at over 25 participating downtown merchants for ladies (and men!) who bought a $20 shopping pass. All proceeds from the shopping pass benefit Mario's Closet at Lawrence Memorial Hospital. We don't know the total amount raised yet, but based on the number of pink bags we saw last night, it has to be a good amount!

We were excited to be one of the five after-party locations. Shoppers dropped their passes into pink boxes at each of the after-party spots to be entered into a grand prize drawing- and the prize was amazing! Participating merchants all donated gift certificates ranging from $20 to $200 (and maybe even more than that!), and the winner got a pink wallet stuffed with over $1900 worth of gift certificates.

Dave had another treat for the shoppers and bar-hoppers last night:


All of the participating businesses had pink wigs to designate their status. Dave cleverly attached our pink wig to the photo cut-out. And of course, he couldn't resist an opportunity to take a picture himself!

We also gave away free pint glasses to anyone who showed their shopping pass to the bartender.

Thanks to all the wonderful businesses downtown who participated in this great event, to Downtown Lawrence Inc. and Lawrence Memorial Hospital Endowment Association for dreaming up such a fun idea and to all the shoppers who flocked downtown last night! Hope you had a great time!