We're a popular place for birthdays. It might be the hurricane and the prospect of wearing the mermaid costume; maybe the tropical drinks; or perhaps it's the fancy fur-trimmed tiara that the birthday girls get to take home.

Last Saturday, there were a couple of birthdays in the bar before it was even dark outside.


I'm not sure if one of these mermaids was the birthday girl, or if they were just part of the group, but they were having fun on the bar. Of course, Dave can't resist any opportunity to jump up there and dance, and you might recognize Peach on the left.

We like to think of bar dancing as our own version of a flash mob. People jump on the bar, and spontaneous dancing breaks out everywhere.

Our friend Kirsten from Dunn's Landing celebrated a birthday, too, and Peach brought a large group of ladies to the bar before they went out for a fancy dinner.

Birthdays always call for a shotski:

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And this large group required the BIG shotski. They pulled it off!