A few Fridays ago, we had a couple of unique things happen.
First of all, Peach made a rare appearance at the bar. If you're an old-school regular, you might remember the days and nights when Peach and Ted frequented the bar, staffed the door and even served drinks from time to time. More recent patrons may not even know Peach. She's pretty busy running the Crystal Plaza theater and the Sandbar Sub Shop in Ottawa, along with opening new franchises of the Sub Shop here in town.
The other unique event that Friday was a wedding party! I don't have all the details, but a couple who met at the Sandbar got married and stopped in to the bar that day in full wedding attire.
Peach took a picture on her phone of the bride and her bridesmaids dancing on a bench:
Bride, if you're reading this, we'd LOVE to hear your Sandbar love story! Contact us at sandbar@thesandbar.com.
We love it when wedding parties stop by!