Before our block party last weekend, we said there would be prizes. You could win a prize by tweeting about the party, or by uploading a party picture or video online and sharing it with us. It's taken us a little longer than we thought to recover from the party and wrap things up, but we finally have some winners!
Not very many people shared pictures or videos, but the ones we got were great and we appreciate every single one of them. Here's a couple of our favorites:
- Alison tweeted a picture of her and some friends with a certain famous basketball coach who made an appearance at the party. You can see the picture here.
- Rachel tweeted a short video she took of the Sandbar dancers. Watch it here. On that note, we can't believe no one else shot video. It's so easy now!
- Raymond uploaded this cool "Hipstamatic" photo to our Facebook page.
And of course we picked a couple of random tweets about the party. How did we do this? We saved an RSS feed of all the tweets with the hashtag #sb21. Then we counted them up and used's random number generator. And presto, we had a couple winners.
- Shawn, for this tweet.
- Nick, for this tweet.
Congrats to the five winners! You win your choice of a Sandbar t-shirt or a six-pack of pint glasses. We'll be in touch to let you know how to claim your prize.
Thanks to everyone who tweeted, posted, took pictures, shot video, and generally just had a good time at our party. We'll be back next year!