Longtime bartender Danny will work his final Tuesday shift this week. He's leaving us (during the week, at least) to start nursing school in Kansas City. He'll be way too busy to drive back here and serve drinks during the week.
You're all invited to stop by and wish him well.
- When: Tuesday, June 15
- Time: 5-9 p.m.
- Where: 17 East 8th Street
Danny's leaving next week for Idaho to compete in an Ironman triathlon, and then he has summer classes until nursing school starts this fall. Once his shift is over on Tuesday, he'll be free to party with all of you.
And of course, Tuesday features $1.50 almost anything, $2 premiums and no cover until 8 p.m.
You can RSVP on Facebook if you want to, and feel free to share the event with your friends. Hope to see you there!
(Danny's also participating in the Bike MS fundraising bike ride this year. If you feel so inclined, please donate to the cause here.)