Here's a story from our Man on the Street, who has now been given the esteemed title of "featured contributor." I don't know if he wants it or not, but he's got it.

I went to Hy-Vee this morning, and the Salvation Army is collection money for a Christmas in July. They were playing Buffett music, wearing leis, coconut bras, grass skirts, etc. 

I said to the bell-ringers, "It looks like you're headed to The Sandbar!"

"We haven't been home yet… we were there last night," one of the girls replied.

I'm pretty sure she was kidding….

Who knows, maybe not! The Sandbar-beach-Buffett theme is a pretty good one if you're trying to attract attention. We did it several years ago at our water station for the Lawrence Half Marathon, and we won a prize for having the most spirit.