A few days ago I mentioned some new pictures a fan emailed us for the Sandbar shirt wall of fame.

Well, awhile back I noticed that a few folks had brought pictures to the bar and added them to the corkboard. Instead of taking them off the wall and bringing them home to scan, and risking the possibility that they would get lost in my house and never make it back to the wall, I chose to just take a picture of the pictures. (You can call me lazy if you want to.)

An unidentified couple posed in Sandbar shirts at Stonehenge:

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And a foursome of regular Sandbar customers gathered under a grass umbrella on a beach somewhere:

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And not too long ago, long-time Friday Sandbar-tender Heather and her new fiance Ken headed off to Mexico for some sun, fun, and relaxation. It wouldn't be a trip to Mexico without a Sandbar shirt! They posed for their obligatory Sandbar picture and added it to the wall.

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You, too, can be famous in The Sandbar. Just email your favorite pictures to sandbar{at}thesandbar{dot}com and we'll add them to the wall!