It’s Super Bowl Sunday!
That’s not a great big deal at The Sandbar, since we’re not exactly a sports bar. We have some TV’s, but they’re more than a couple years old, really small, and not positioned for great sports viewing. But nevertheless, every year the Sandbar faithful- or those who are more interested in the commercials than the game- gather at the bar. Because, as you know, we’ll use any excuse for a party.
We break out the cheese dip and other snacks and settle in for the evening. Most years the only people in the bar are the die-hard regulars and assorted employees who can’t tear themselves away. Occasionally, a few random customers who didn’t even know the Super Bowl was happening wander in for a beer. It’s always a fun time.
Super Bowl 2004 was especially memorable. It snowed that day and the boys were excited. After the game was over, and after a few more hours of beers, a group decided to head up to campus and go sledding on the big hill. They were fine as long as they stayed on the sled, but they made friends with another group of sledders who had brought a tube.
Sure enough, the adventure ended badly. Dave and Brother Pants headed down the hill, straight for a tree; Pants bailed off, but Dave wasn’t quite as quick and his head collided with the tree. One ambulance ride and emergency room visit later and we learned he had a concussion.
That quickly brought an end to the midnight sledding, or sledding at any time for that matter. Dave’s wife will no longer let him participate.
Since then, we’ve been fortunate to have pretty low-key Super Bowl Sundays.
What will this year bring?