A few minutes with nothing to do so I googled The Sandbar to see what popped up…
Here’s a fun little photo gallery on lawrence.com.  It’s pretty old- from September of 2005- but if you’re a regular patron you’ll recognize some of the people in the pictures. And they have a picture of Dave!

I also found this website, Unthirsty, which is apparently a directory of happy hours and bar specials all over the country. When I searched for Lawrence, I found only two listings, on for Henry’s just down the block from us, and the other for The Sandbar.  It looks like this website is sort of an interactive site where visitors can leave comments and ratings on places.  Here’s what they had to say about our place. Not much, really, but out there for the world to see nonetheless, and at least it’s something good. 
All kinds of funny things on the internet.