Last Friday and Saturday, The Sandbar sponsored a visit from Captain Jack Sparrow to coincide with the opening of the latest Pirates of the Caribbean adventure.  He made an appearance in Ottawa on Friday and traveled to Lawrence on Saturday.

All week long, customers were asking if Johnny Depp was really coming to The Dscf0450 Sandbar.  Because Johnny Depp has time in his busy schedule to leave his home in France on the opening weekend of his new movie to visit Lawrence.  Right. 

However, we didn’t need Johnny Depp- our pirate was awesome.  He looked, walked, and talked exactly like Captain Jack.  He had the mannerisms down as though he actually were Johnny Depp.  It was amazing to watch.  When he first approached The Sandbar on Saturday, he had no way to know that there was a rowdy, 20-plus person bachelorette party already inside the bar.  The minute the women saw Captain Jack, they bolted out the door and down the street. The bride-to-be jumped up onto our poor unsuspecting pirate and hugged him. 

Captain Jack spent some time hanging out down at the corner of 9th and Massachusetts, and the reaction of the passersby was hilarious.  People shouted to him from their car windows, and he walked right out into the street to go talk to them.  People on foot stopped to talk and take pictures.  All the while, he encouraged folks to venture down to The Sandbar. 

We took a lot of pictures both nights of folks with Captain Jack.  I added a new photo album over to the right called "Captain Jack’s Visit," and you can see the photos there.  Maybe you’re even in there. 

Visit our pirate’s website,, to learn more about our new friend. If you need a pirate for an event, he’s your guy.