Annual Sandbar Staff Holiday Extravaganza
Last night brought one of our favorite nights of the year- the annual Sandbar staff holiday party. (We have lots of favorite days and nights of the year, if you haven't noticed.)
Every year on a Sunday night just before Christmas, the bar closes to the public for a few hours so our staff can celebrate the holidays, our friendships and another great year at the bar.
We eat, we drink and we open presents! The "white elephant" gift exchange has become a highlight of the party. Some gifts are serious (pretty candles, wine and lottery tickets) while others are total nonsense (ceramic gorillas, toilet seats and broken VCR's.) This year was no exception. Some of the gifts that made an appearance:
- The drink "butler"- an outstretched hand that cups a glass and is battery-operated, so the butler brings the drink across the table to you. It even knows to stop at the edge of the table.
- A giant ceramic Admiral Lord something-or-other mug.
- A camo-patterned Snuggie.
- A gold lame thong.
- "Manifold Destiny! The One! The Only! Guide to Cooking on Your Car's Engine!" written by Chris Maynard, and unwrapped by none other than Chris Maynard, former Sandbar-tender.
- A giant poster of Dave and Justin dressed in wedding finery, from bartender Heather's wedding to Ken last spring.
The costume contest followed the gift exchange. Not as many people dressed up as last year, when practically everyone was wearing some sort of Christmas character costume. This year, we recycled our costumes from SantaCon and filled the bar (sort of) with Santas.
Sexy Santa Michelle and Run D.M.C. Santa Todd split the first place prize, judged by Ted and Andy.
The rest of the night was filled with lots of drinking, dancing and pure entertainment. Especially from the revolving cast of boys behind the bar.
Check out more pictures on our Flickr page or our Facebook page.