Captain Jack Sparrow at the Sandbar

We had a special guest at the bar last night!

Captain Jack Sparrow was back for an encore performance. We haven't seen him since our birthday block party last summer, where he's been a special guest for the past two years.

The latest Pirates movie, Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides, opens on May 20 and Jack will be back for more adventures. We wanted to get our friend prepared, so we invited him out for a night at the bar.

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He sashayed around the patio- the weather was beautiful!- and accosted cars in the street. He almost caused a traffic jam at the intersection at one point, when some excited young ladies wanted his picture.

Sandbar friend Laura was having dinner at Pachamama's across the street, and left a comment on our Facebook page about watching Jack sashay around the street.

He's always great fun!