Guest Blog: Rocky Horror Bus Tour Virgin
Yes, we're still talking about Halloween. We love it. It's our second favorite holiday of the year. We'll talk about it until we have something better to talk about. And we also love guest blogs- this one is by our friend Jana, a Rocky Horror bus tour virgin this year.
I listened to the stories, I saw pictures from the 2009 bus tour, but was I really ready to take this tour myself? I hesitated to commit, wavered on costumes ideas, and finally the day came to just get on the bus and ride. For my first Rocky Horror trip with the Sandbar I went a little more conservative. I went as Janet, before arriving at the castle.
I started the trip by meeting Bettina, Hayley and David at Chad’s house. I arrive at Chad’s in a white dress with a cardigan. Chad is getting all done up as a French maid. Hayley rushes in dressed in a black corset and needing help to get the corset tied and garter on her fishnet hose. As we are preparing to leave David arrives dressed as Frank-N-Furter. We all burst out clapping and hollering as he struts towards us in black high heels, glittering corset, wig, and fishnets.
Downtown Lawrence on Friday night became a Nightmare on Mass St. Chad dropped us off and then attempted to find a parking spot amid the chaos. (He ended up parking blocks away and getting picked up by the bus on Connecticut St.) We loaded on the bus with many dressed in corsets, as French maids, and more fishnet than the Gulf of Mexico has seen recently. Thus our tour began with singing, dancing and drinking on a school bus headed first to Baldwin then on to the show in Ottawa.
The show began with Scotty Mac and David explaining the rules of Rocky Horror. We are encouraged to sing, dance and shout out during the movie. We have props like water guns, flashlights, bubbles, and glow sticks. A hush descends in the theater as Scotty and David announce “Now show the lips.†People start singing and yelling as the opening credits begin. Throughout the movie Scotty and David shout out questions and everyone participates in the experience by shouting and cheering the action on the screen. Hayley and I jump up to the front of the theater to join in the “Time Warp.†Scotty and Jen run up front to dance during the stage show. Then Michelle and Justin interrupt, dressed as Magenta and Riff Raff in their gold and black uniforms, to capture Frank and return to Transylvania.
Everyone spills back out into the lobby of the movie theater to prepare to load onto the bus for the long trip home. The excitement and energy is palatable as the bus starts heading back to Lawrence. We are singing and dancing in the aisle. And my Rocky Horror bus trip ends back at the Sandbar, but clearly not back to reality just yet.
I can’t wait for next year. My mind is spinning with costume ideas. Am I ready to go more risqué? Will you be seeing me in fishnets and a corset? Guess we’ll find out in a year…