During my random Google-ing of The Sandbar, I found a link that somehow escaped my other searches.  This one is funny.  It’s an entry on lawrence.com from May, 2006, which evidently was around the time we fired up the wedding chapel upstairs. 

Yes, for those of you who didn’t know, we have a wedding chapel upstairs. It’s just about as cheesy as a chapel you might find in Vegas. Which means it’s perfect for The Sandbar, because no one loves cheese more than us.  We particularly love cheese dip, but that’s another story.

As unbelievable is it may sound, we have actually had a wedding take place upstairs. And, we had another wedding that took place on the traveling Sandbar, otherwise known as our St. Patrick’s Day float. So, there have really been four people in this world who wanted to get married at The Sandbar.

The blog I found online the other day starts with a review of the Lawrence Farmer’s Market, moves on to a lengthy review of Krause Dining (which, if you’ve never checked out, you should- good people there, and probably excellent food as well, though I haven’t been there yet), and then has a lovely little pitch for The Sandbar.

Not as funny are some of the comments that the etiquette-challenged readers of lawrence.com left about our place; why do people think that just because they’re "anonymous" they can be as mean as they want to be? At least those of you who leave comments here have better manners. {Except the guy who told me a long time ago that this blog was awful. That hurt my feelings. And I know who you are. I have secret internet powers. And your IP address.}