For you last minute shoppers, The Sandbar can help you out. We just got two new t-shirts in stock. The design will probably look familiar- it's my favorite Sandbar building design that the folks down at Ottawa's Hasty Awards created- only this time it's on a colored shirt. Two different colors, actually.

As much as I loved the original shirt, it seems like people don't really buy white t-shirts anymore. For such a great design, the shirts didn't sell out as quickly as I thought they might. So, rather than scrap the design, we decided to try putting it on a colored t-shirt to see if they would sell better.

The staff at Hasty sent proofs of the design on several different t-shirt colors, and these are the two winners.

The first one is a lovely Bahama Mama shade called Paprika:

12.08 Paprika_0001

And the other one is a more guy-friendly color called Prairie Dust:

12.08 Prairie Dust_0001

We have lots of these shirts in sizes small through 2XL. They're $15 each and even come in their very own ziploc freezer bag. This was originally to keep the shirts from soaking up the smell of cigarette smoke; we don't have that issue anymore thanks to the smoking ban, but we've found the shirts are easier to store and stay cleaner in the bags.

Tomorrow, an update about our staff Christmas party, complete with pictures, I promise!